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City of Refuge Baptist City of Refuge Baptist

Prayer Request: Life Prayer Request: Life


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Life (Nov 5, 2008)

Prayer Request:
I would like everyone to pray for our new President. Pray that him and his family is kept safe. Pray that he is able to do what God would want him to do. Also pray that he is able to do the things he said he was going to do to change the condition the country.

Please pray for me as i am still dealing with my lust.

Pray for me and Libbi as we will be bringing a child into our house.

Pray that i am able to get one of three jobs i applied for and that it is the right one for me. Pray that i am able to do the job so well that they are more than happy they picked me for the position.

   Discussion: Life
Michael (anon) · 16 years, 1 month ago
Hi everbody, Please pray dad's blood sugar and blood pressure lower to acceptable levels without needing any medical treatment and that he continues to improve all over. Please pray he has permant postive change in all needed areas.Please pray what we worry about does not come true and what we hope for does(God Knows). Merry Christmas and thanks a bunch! Michael
Beverly Nelson (anon) · 14 years, 3 months ago
Please pray for my brother, Chuck. He is 49 years old and is a severe alcoholic. He drinks about 40 beers a day and I'm afraid that he won't make it through the next year. I have talked with him, prayed with him, and I know that the ONLY way he will stop drinking and recover is with God's help. He will not listen to anyone. He believes in God (Jesus & the Holy Spirit) but does not lead a Christian Life. He is constantly in pain from a motorcycle accident, can't work, and is very depressed. Please pray that this demon of alcoholism will leave him and that he will turn to God with all of his might. Pray that the Holy Spirit will speak words of wisdom & healing unto him and that he will have ears to hear and eyes to see. Thank you so much, Bev Nelson

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