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City of Refuge Baptist City of Refuge Baptist

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Past News

Title Date #Views
Time change Oct 29, 2017 1436
Potluck Oct 29, 2017 1421
Beggars night Oct 29, 2017 1293
10 year anniversary Oct 29, 2017 1373
Pastor Appreciation month Oct 4, 2017 1327
Finance class Sep 10, 2017 1477
Giving offering online Aug 15, 2017 2
Car wash Fundraiser Jun 11, 2017 1289
We've Moved
Our service location is change
Feb 21, 2011 1072
Welcome to Our New Website!
Welcome to our new website. Take a good look around, because there's a lot to see. Be sure to get yourself an account for personalization. Take a look at our forums to talk with one another. Please let the webmaster know if you have any questions.
Oct 27, 2008 4311
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